Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Book Review: Cinder

What I'm Reading Now::

March 28th

So, Cinder is a modern/dystopian tale about a Cyborg girl (think Cinderella), a gifted mechanic who can almost fake being a "real girl". I'm only two chapters in - so this post will be updated soon with some more juicy tidbits :)

March 29th

The book got exciting enough that it was hard to put down last night. There is this illness that is uncontrolled, the Prince is throwing a ball ... and Cinder has already met him. I have to get back to reading.

March 30th

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a book I randomly picked up got good enough for me to stay up until 2:00 in the morning reading it. This is a book I would recommend to someone who likes a fairy tale or girly adventure story -  it was intriguing, had plot twists, characters I really liked, and was honestly exciting. The only drawback was that the ending leaves you hanging and trying to figure out when the next book comes out (not for a bit, I can't find a specific date). 

In the mean time, check out Merissa Meyer's blog, which is stocked full of writing tips, thoughts on the Cinder series, and books she is reading. 

The Hunger Games - Movie Review

It is a fact of life, the movie is never better than the book. They all fall short in some facet or another. Harry Potter always left out my favorite parts, the Twilight movies actually made me dislike the books, the upcoming Snow White movies (which is my favorite of the Grimm tales) both look like major disappointments. However, I saw a movie this week that I was expecting to be disappointed in, and wasn't. The Hunger Games was actually one of the better adaptations of a book into a movie that I've seen in a long time. Before I cast an official judgement I want to see it again.

The Pluses - Well cast, lines that came directly out of the book, enjoyable, less violent than I imagined

The Deltas - Everything felt more modern than I pictured it, I hated that they changed how Katniss got the pin (which is such an important part of the story), and her costumes were NOTHING like I pictured them.

Reader Question - if you haven't seen it yet, what did you think about the Katniss/Peeta romance? Do you think it is real? Everyone who has read the book knows what is going on, but I think that if you haven't read it you aren't quite sure. Any thoughts?