Friday, January 29, 2016

Let's Talk About Shadowhunters ...

Okay, I've been meaning to write this up for like two weeks, but alas, I've been reading instead ;)


First, this is SO different than the books. That isn't a bad thing, but wow. The whole setting is different, jobs are different, the characters are older, the way the meet is different ... fans have to adjust. I have to adjust.


Okay, I actually took notes (lol) while watching the first two episodes. Reminds me of something my sister does, but when she does it, it is for her blog, and when I do it, it is to complain.

Episode 1 and 2:

Why to Alex and Izzy have vampire like qualities? I hated that.

Clary and Jace have NO CHEMISTRY at the beginning. I don't feel like it improves. But it is the first two episodes, I'll give it time.

I HATE how they revealed who/what Clary is. Awesome, we have to get it out of the way, but seriously, what a blah, flat, boring way to present it. Boo.


What's with all the tech at the Institute? Who are all those people? Boo.

I'll give it more time and keep watching I'm actually getting ready to watch episode three right now.


Clary: Our first impression of her (outside the club) totally falls flat. She grows out me during the show, but will she always talk in that baby voice? The Clary in my mind isn't a little girl, she is strong and self-sufficient.

Jace: First impression, why are his arms so far away from his body, can't he walk like a normal person? Second impression, let me echo so many other bloggers, what is is about Jace's character that a hot guy cannot be cast to play him? The first episode he just seems like a brute who isn't smart enough to talk, instead of a tough guy who has a giant chip on his shoulder and uses humor to avoid anything serious, but is actually a sweet little cinnamon roll inside. Maybe that is a fine line between the two. Oh, and the scruffy beard/needs to shave has to GO.

Simon: I love Simon. Which means he is way different than in the books, because I don't really like whiney Simon from the books (seriously, I'm reading book 6, the whining doesn't improve). He is the MOST convincing actor in this episode.

Isabelle: Her wig is on point for the first episode. I like that we meet her that way, spunky and her own person. She isn't as girly as I imagined her, but still excellent.

Alec: He has the right look, such better casting than in the movie. I like him more as the show goes on and he was always a throw away character for me (even though I love Magnus, I didn't care about any of Alec's storyline).

Magnus: This is my favorite character and I kinda hated him here at the beginning. He is falling flat for me, but I'm hoping that's because we haven't seen much of him yet. I just expected so much more. Where's all the glitter?

Luke: I like the twist on his character. I like that he's black, I like that he's a cop, I like that he seems to have friends. In the book he is kind of an island, I like that in the show they are making him more complete as a character.

Jocelyn: I like the twist on her character less. She is a LOT more motherly than I remember her being. Plus, then she is all still a shadowhunter with her gear and weapons stowed away. I don't like it.

1    Valentine: I actually kind of like him. He is not as captivating as in the book, not as attractive, but totally as scary and powerful as I’d expect.
      Reality is that when you love a book, the screen version will probably never live up to what you built in your mind. And that is okay 
      via GIPHY


  1. I think I don't like Simon because his character's behavior is so predictable, of course he is in love with Clary. Of course he is the dumb human who causes problems. But can totally see what you are saying about him being relatable. I guess that is how "we humans" react to situations. I actually wish Clary would be a little more like that on the show. She is a little too accepting.

    I just finished episode 3 and it was actually enjoyable. Seems like this show might find a good footing once it hits its stride.

  2. At first, I wasn't thrilled with any of the characters except for Simon and Izzy. Once we've gotten into the episodes, I'm starting to like Clary, Jace, etc more and I think we finally get to see some chemistry between Jace and Clary in the third episode. I was just expecting it to be right off the bat and when it wasn't, I too was disappointed. But so far, I don't mind the show too much. Casting is better then the movie, so I'll give them that. :)

    1. The casting is better, true. I hope that the actress that plays Clary can really find her stride in the roll, right now I don't like how that part is playing out. The rest I'm pretty accepting of.
