Monday, February 29, 2016

Graphic Novel Review: The Sleeper and the Spindle

There is nothing quite like a beautifully done fairy tail retelling. Not that we would expect anything less from Mr. Gaiman.

In any graphic novel, which is the category I'm choosing to lump this book in with, we have four areas to review: World Building, Character Development, Plot, and Art.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Book Review: Truthwitch

Why did I pick it up: I read it for my bookclub this month, but it was already on my TBR

Summary:  Safi and Iseult are Threadsisters, two Threadwitches who are the closest of friends (think Parabati) and will protect each other at all costs. Safi is a Truthwitch, a rare Threadwitch who knows the truth when anyone speaks - a valuable girl who is suddenly and quite surprisingly betrothed to an old man. A complicated escape plan hatches, the girls are separated and don't know who they can trust. The future is looking rather grim when a Bloodwitch named Aeduan is close on their tails and Admiral Merrik either saves or captures the girls ... it is a fight for survival. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Book Review: The Queen of the Tearling

Why Did I Pick It Up: Did you see that cover? I really found the description awesome from a year ago.

Summary: After spending her formative years in hiding (and doing LOTS of reading) it is time for Kelsea to go home and become the Queen she is meant to be. In a land without technology, they are the light battling a stronger kingdom’s darkness that threatens to crush them on their way to power. Kelsea is uncertain at best and weak at worst. Her people question her ability to rise to the occasion and her idealistic nature might be her own undoing. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Book Review: The Marvels

Why Did I Pick It Up: I really enjoy Selznick’s other works and I was looking forward to another from him – I like the blend of the highly illustrated book and the chapters. Plus, that cover is BEAUTIFUL.
Summary: First, the illustrations tell one story of a boy, a ship, a fire, and an adventure. However, the chapters do not pick up where the pictures left off, instead we meet Joseph who runs away from boarding school to find his uncle. Joseph’s uncle isn’t as he expected, his home is highly unusual as are his uncle’s behaviors. This is a mystery that will keep you reading until the last page! 

Book Review: Firstlife

Why Did I Pick It Up: This book was already on my TBR shelf ... but, I was given this book by Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review. These opinions are all my own. 

Summary: Tenley is in her Firstlife and has been sent to an prison by her parents in the hopes that she can be forced into signing with their side, Myriad instead of the more docile Troika. Signing with Myriad means that her parents will maintain their wealth and fame. Enter two boys, Archer who wants her to sign with Troika and Killian who is convinced he will be able to sign Ten with his bad-boy charm, violent outbursts, and devilish good looks. The two sides want Ten so much, they are willing to go to war ... maybe even kill her to avoid the other side winning. 

My favorite quote from my notes: "Killian reminds me of Lucifer."

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Books as Television Shows ... is it a good thing?

This post can also be found on This Side of My Screen where I am a guest blogger this week! 

Fangirls and fanboys love to know that one of their fandoms are coming to the screen. There is a moment, right after the pure elation, that I panic for a moment as these words go through my head:

Oh No! What if

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine's Day = Book LOVE

I'm obsessed with Epic Reads here lately. Seriously, I'm always printing out their infographics or binge adding their lists to my TBR. Anyway, in honor of Valentine's Day and #romanceweek16 here's a HOT infographic and a list of best Kissy Scenes (which totally reminds me of my Book Boyfriends list) that you don't want to miss. They link back to their original sites so you can find all kinds of delightful books to add to your TBR.



I've read six out of the eleven books on this list. I can think of some other really fantastic YA romancey books, but I don't know if they had epic kissing scenes ... do you have any you'd add?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

As a HUGE fan, I'd be willing to read "Harry Potter and the Very Boring Grocery List" and be perfectly delighted to experience a new story with Harry once again. However, JK Rowling has said again and again that she didn't wish to revisit this world (blah, she constantly breaks my heart with her blog posts on Pottermore and interviews where she says Ron and Hermione shouldn't be together, so I think she's as much of a fan as we are). I digress, I've been waiting, not very patiently, for a new story from this world and I'M SO EXCITED!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Obsession Runs Deep; or, What is a Book Boyfriend?

So there is this boy, and I'm totally obsessed with him. Nope, we haven't dated, we haven't even met ... this boy is a character. Not a character like a joke and not just a character, mind you, he isn't "just" anything, but when I read about him on the page my heart flutters and I have a serious case of the "I LOVE YOUs."

My list of favorite Book Boyfriends is further down

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Book Review: The Selection

Why did I pick it up: Everyone's read it and I felt like I wanted to read it too ... I should have looked at how my friends reviewed it before spending my afternoon with this particular novel. 

Summary: America (yes, her actual name) is a five, which means she and her family are musicians in this dystopian novel that takes place after the USA has fought a war with China for their freedom. She is in love with Aspen, a six, lower on the food chain and whom her mother will NEVER agree to let her marry. However, before she can make too many future plans, America is selected with 34 other girls to compete, Bachelor style, for the crown Prince's hand in marriage. Life at the palace isn't all pretty dresses and good food as America soon discovers ... and the Prince is more charming than America anticipated. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Book Review: Life-Changing Magic

Shockingly, YA fiction books aren't the only thing I read (I know, you're falling out of your chair). I've gotten some really great/fun/adorable non-fiction books lately that I thought I'd review here as well. I have two more to review this month and then I'll post other reviews as I find books I fancy :) 

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I requested this book. I like both books by this author and it caught my eye. 

As has become a bit of a trend in recent years, I chose a "word of the year" for 2016 and that word is QUIET. In my effort to be happier and less stressed, being quiet is a small, daily reminder to just step back and have reflective moments, to think about what is going on, to take a deep breath and avoid stressful situations. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Book Review: City of Heavenly Fire

Why did I pick it up: I FINALLY thought I'd finish up this series in anticipation for Lady Midnight coming out next month. 

Summary: Clary, Jace, Alec, Isabelle, Simon, Magnus, and all of the characters of this series are back, bringing with them character from The Infernal Devices and the upcoming The Dark Artifices. Sebastian is prepared for war and brings it down upon the Shadowhunters - 

This will be spoilery if you haven't read the previous books. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Big reveal for V. E. Schwab!

Author of A Darker Shade of Magic just announced that the book is has been optioned for TV.

What do we think, fans, is this a good thing? I tend to like television shows better than movies when a book is involved, but can they bring the magic of "ADSOM" to the screen?

Check out more information Here and Victoria's announcement here.