The Wells Bequest
by Polly Shulman
Why Did I Pick It Up:
I loved The Grimm Legacy, and although this one centers-around different characters, it does focus on the best part of the book, the New York Circulating Material Repository.
Even if I hadn't read the first one, what a great cover this has!
The Good:
I love part two at the New York Circulating Material Repository. The book opens with Leo, who is feeling rather sorry for himself, being the least brilliant member of his family. Then, surprise, he sees himself, his future self, with Jaya from book one, and is tiny ... and is on a time machine. All of this happens within the first 15 pages. You know you're in for a wild ride.
Leo is smarter and knows more than any other starting page - and he gets to be trained by the head page, who he may have a giant crush on (non-spoiler alert, it's Jaya). But things start to go wrong, and the story takes twists and turns and keeps you enthralled every page.
The Bad:
How the special collections came to be was left a little vague in the first book. In the Wells Bequest they are over explained and made not as magical and awesome.
The Ugly:
This place doesn't really exist ... that is the worst part of the story.
Who will love this book?
Lovers of adventure will eat up this book - especially older elementary aged readers. If you liked the first book, The Grimm Legacy, other books of adventure, are interested in H. G. Wells, or liked Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library (this is also a library-esque book) ... you'll like this book!
How much did I like it? 7/10
Will I read more?
I really do like Polly Shulman's writing and this series of a magical library-type place is very intriguing to me!! There is a tiny hint about the third special collection, which makes me think there may be one more book in store for us.