by Meg Cabot
Seventeen Says: "You'll love Abandon if: ...you couldn't put down any of the Twilight books and are totally into The Vampire Diaries. Have a thing for the earthly girls who are always getting into trouble and the mysterious, tall/dark/handsome supernatural boys who love them? Then this book is definitely for you!"
Their favorite part: "Pierce is a rockstar narrator. She's bold, gutsy, and hyperaware-she might even be too brave for her own good. We love a girl who isn't scared to take action. Pierce might be a little reckless, but at least she's never a damsel in distress."
May 9th
Wow! I started this book for class and was immediately sucked in! After the last book based on the Persephone myth (Everneath, my review here), I thought this one would be equally lame and a chore to finish. Guess what? Totally the opposite? Told in first person by Pierce, the girl who dies and comes back, she makes you love her flaws and all.
She doesn't have it all under control and sometimes her flashbacks are a little hard to follow. But the voice and the action are perfect! Writing this makes me want to go back to reading ... A+ to Meg Cabot for writing supernatural YA books as well as stories about princesses :)
May 13th
Happy Mother's Day!!
Poor Pierce's mother has her work out for her, but you can't help but love how she is trying to be just what Pierce needs. What is it Pierce needs? Do you give space to a girl who came back from Hades? Do you send the girl who is seeing an Underlord to therapy?
I'm really loving this book and about thirty pages from the end ... I wish I hadn't had to work the last couple of nights so I would have been awake enough to read! It is exciting and I love the characters. A little slow moving, especially being this close to the end, but the next book is coming out soon and hopefully something wonderful happens between where I am and that upcoming book!!!
I'll update as soon as I finish :)
May 14th
So in the end I wanted more to happen ... there were a few chapters that I felt like I was reading waiting to get to the "good parts". However, sometimes I feel like a book is only good parts and no character development and this one has GREAT character development, I feel like I know Pierce.
Would I re-read it? Probably no, but that isn't saying much, I re-read very few books. Am I excited for the next book? YES!
Underworld came out on May 8th so your library probably already has it!!
If not read and you're excited you can read the first two chapters on Meg Cabot's website.
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