After planning what I foresee as being the funnest (yes, not most fun, but funnest) potential YA library program ever (for my YA librarianship class), I've decided to share it with the masses! Obviously the details are made up and I got to work with a delightfully huge budget. None-the-less, here it is in all of its glory!
Trailer Screening and Summer Reading Kickoff!
Our goal is to create an event that blends the aspects of reading and media to entice teens with a wide array of interests to check out the library! We will do this by utilizing the current trend of creating book trailers. A book trailer is much like a movie trailer in that it creates a "tease" to bring interest, in this case, to the book. Using examples gleaned from Student Library Journal, the videos will abide by the following guidelines.
- be 90 to 120 seconds long
- give only a "tease" of what the book is about
- include the title of book chosen and author's name
- cite all media used (video clips, pictures, and music)
- have a PG rating (no violence, sex, or swearing)
- be turned in one week before event for prescreening
More info after the break!
Any book that the YA library has may be chosen and the title must be included in the registration. The video contest is only open to the first thirty teens who apply. The videos will be voted on by the attendees of the party and the winner will receive a gift basket with a new book, $10 forgive-me-pass for library fines, snacks and candy, and two movie passes.
Our target audience is 13 to 16 year olds (8th - 10th grade), but everyone 12 to 19 is welcome! All attendees will be entered to win door prices. The red-carpet themed party will include snacks, pictures in the photo booth, video screening and vote, and great music! As the kick off of rate summer reading program, details and information, along with registration, will be a part of the program.
The event will include a movie style theme with red carpet, popcorn boxes and other "movie snacks," Oscar style ballots, and a presenter in formal attire. The photo booth, a favorite activity at previous parties, will use props like suit jackets, fancy jewelry, awards, fake lips, fake mustaches, and giant lips to create unique pictures for the YA wall as well as the website which we can also print out so the teens can take home a souvenir of their night.
The largest portion of our marketing will be via social media. This includes FaceBook, Google Circles, Twitter, Tumblr, and our Teen Blog. Marketing will also be done via our website. Because we do not want to exclude the teens (and their parents) who do not use social media, or are unaware of our pages, we will also advertise with flyers and posters in the library, around town, at the schools, and in the newspaper. In addition, teachers for the 8th through 10th grade English, Computer, and Media classes have agreed to pass out flyers and encourage teens to participate in the program during class time.
Planning and Preparations
Six Weeks Before - design program flyers, prepare video participant registration packets, design advertisements. Begin collecting props, music, and donations for prizes. Complete Summer Reading packages (est 8 hours prep time).
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Link to Pattern |
Four Weeks Before - start advertising the program via flyers and posters. Put ads on social media sties and website with printable registration forms. Have signups available at the reference desk as well. (est 4 hours prep time)
Two Weeks Before - put first announcement in newspaper. Buy prizes, ask for volunteers, get photo-booth ready, update social media. Call newspaper for coverage of event. Design and print programs, ballots, name-tags, and Summer Reading registration packets. (est 5 hours prep time - 2 of which can be done by a volunteer)
One Week Before - put second announcement in newspaper. Buy nonperishable food items, get red carpet out of storage, design agenda for volunteers, have volunteer meeting, preview videos, and wrap prizes. Make and print out door prize tickets for teens to fill out. (est 3 hours prep time)
One Day Before - buy perishable food items, set up photo-booth, and send reminder emails to video contestants. Get cameras and printers ready, prepare snacks, and prepare Would You Rather - Library Version for game play. (est 1.5 hours prep time)
Day of - organize volunteers and assign tasks
6:00 – Finish setting up main meeting room with
pre-snacks, music, and introductory game of Would
You Rather – The Book Version (as the reference librarians made for a
program last year).
6:30 – Teens begin to arrive, invite them to get
name-tags (star name tags for video presenters), snacks, and join in the game.
7:00 – Library Closes and we move into Main part of
library, down the red carpet to seats facing video screen.
7:10 – Extra short explanation about Teen Summer
Reading Program and pass out of registration booklets
7:15 – Pass out ballots and Watch Book Trailers,
boxes in back of room for ballots to be turned in.
7:45 – The Big Reveal! Pass out books on hold;
allow others to be checked out. Sign up posters in room for placing other
upcoming books on hold.
8:10 – Move into YA section for photo-booth, snacks
and music – tally votes while teens snack and take pictures. Encourage those
without cards to sign up. Encourage those who want to register for Summer
Reading to do so now.
8:25 – Announce Winners, draw for Door Prizes
9:00 – Kids leave or picked up. Clean up and move
everything into offices
Day After - Clean out offices and return borrowed items. Update social media and webpage to focus on Summer Reading Program. Upload videos to Teen Blog. (est 2 hours prep time)
Week After - tally number of attendees, number of books checked out, and number of early registrations for Summer Teen Reading Program. Send thank-you cards to volunteers and those who loaned us items. (est 1 hour prep time)
Last year our kick
off party for the summer reading program had twelve attendees so this year it
is our goal to make the party huge! By combining the videos with the books we
hold to appeal to a wider audience and attract teens that haven’t participated
in library events in the past. Success will be to have fifty or more teen
attendees. Last year’s summer reading program had more than 400 teens who
finished, so this should not be a stretch for us. The door prize stubs will
tell us how many teens came and give us a percentage of how many came to how
many registered. Our ideal would be for this to be 100%, but our realistic goal
is for 70% of attendees to register for the Summer Reading Program.
addition, last year we only had twenty-three teens signed up for Teen Summer
Reading Program after the first week and this year we are looking to double
that number. Since we are looking to bring teens in that haven’t used the
library in the past, we would also like to see five new cards issued at this
School Library Journal. Rubric for Book
5 May 2012.
School Library Journal. Make a Book Trailer:
Everybody’s Doing It.
Retrieved 5 May 2012.
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