Genre: Fantasy
Reminds Me Of ... First Year by Rachel E Carter, but maybe that is just because it was a recommended read based on that title.
Favorite Character: Tristan
Suggested Age Range: Middle school and up
Romance: Not really
The Good: Paladin was a fresh storyline that caught me from the very beginning. Sam, like so many other nobel women, joins the army as a cross dressing swordsman (swordswoman?). She is paired up with Tristan, man who saved her life and Braeden, only 1/2 man (and half demon, just to keep things interesting). As their adventure begins she has to desperately (and sometimes comically) keep her secret to herself.
The Bad: The plot, although exciting at the beginning, is week. The characters are undeveloped, shallow, and replaceable. From the moment Tristen finds out that Princess Samantha is dead (ie. Sam, who he is with all of the time and doesn't know) I hated this book.
The Bitter Truth: About half way through this book lost all steam. The plot waned, the characters were thin, and the ending was unexpected (not in a good way).
Who will love this book? It is the #1 rated Fantasy eBook (or it was when I bought it) on Amazon, so people love this. If you like Rachel's books or if you like Fantasy you might like this.
How much did I like it? On Goodreads I gave this 4/5 stars because the concept was good, but the delivery is lacking. Now, after pondering, I'm giving this 6/10.
Will I read more? No
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