Happy September 1st all! This month on Instagram (@lizzlibrarian) I'm participating in @silenceofthreeparts' #sotpseptemberbookchallenge15 ... day one was to create a September TBR (to be read) list. I usually don't have a plan as I move through my books, however I am making a plan, albeit a lofty one, and we will see how this month goes.
1. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas ... I'm nearly salivating at the idea of reading this book, but I'm forcing myself to finish my current book before starting. Seriously, if I see a spoiler before I start to read I'll die.
2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo ... one of my favorite authors whose Facebook posts have me so excited for this book. If you don't follow her on Facebook ... you should.
3. Winter by Marissa Meyer ... another favorite author of another favorite series. If you remember Cinder was the first book I reviewed here on the blog and I just finished Fairest which was delightfully evil. I'm so excited for this final chapter.
4. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi ... I'm excited to read book two in this series!
5. Lumberjanes #1 by Grace Ellis and Noelle Stevenson ... I don't typically read graphic novels, but I'm drawn to this one because of all the recommendations it's gotten. I've checked it out, looking forward to reading it!
6. Illusionarium by Heather Dixon ... this one has been at the top of my TBR list on GoodReads for quite awhile, looking forward to actually reading it this month.
7. The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J Maas ... I don't typically read novellas, but I love this series and a little more back story might be fun (unless Queen of Shadows breaks my heart, then I might wait on this one).
8. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling ... my audio book right now, spinning in my car. I've never listened to these on audio and if you follow me on Facebook you know I just rewatched all of the movies. Time to delve into the books once again.
9. The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau ... the book I started into September with, it is pretty good so far. About 50% in it reminds me of a cross between Divergent and The Giver. Be watching for the review soon!
In addition to these NINE books, I hope to get caught up on my book reviews this month. Keep checking the blog for more great books to read! You can stay more caught up with what I'm reading on GoodReads or Facebook.
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